With our roots in rural Oregon, our 农业 and 自然资源 programs keep pace with industry standards and state-of-the-art technologies. 实践学习, real-world experiences, fields trips to farms and forests all combine to give you skills to go to work and credits transfer to a four-year university. 

See our complete list of degrees below, or check out each Department page for more 信息.


度 & 证书


为期一年的农业业务技术员证书为学生进入或推进农业领域的客户服务/销售代表做好准备, 现场技术人员, or field scout with a focus on the crop and 种子 industry. This certificate is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed to transfer to a four year institution, 虽然有些课程是可以转学的. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. 平均成绩不低于2分.获取证书需要输入0.


农业商业应用科学副学士学位为学生在农业商业管理方面的各种职业做好准备, 包括管理农场或牧场, 食品生产零售就业, 生产化肥, 或者农用设备销售. 该计划将理论与日常农业管理业务和其他农业相关供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合. The degree is not designed to transfer to a four-year institution, 虽然有些课程是可以转学的. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0需要毕业.


农业机械技术提供经验和探索的机会,专门从事农业机械领域. 实际应用工作场所安全, 维护, 农业机械, 设备的创新, 液压系统, 电气系统, and irrigation systems will prepare students to service, 维护, or troubleshoot a variety of agricultural machinery. 学生将完成一个顶点,将理论与现实世界的应用联系起来,以体现整个课程所获得的知识和技能的深度.

AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has worked closely with Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon University and University of Idaho. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early as possible while attending 威尼斯人娱乐城.

AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically addressed with 美国niversity of Idaho, 和俄勒冈州立大学. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school.

AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has worked closely with Oregon State University and University of Idaho. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early as possible while attending 威尼斯人娱乐城.

CERT -职业道路证书


AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has worked closely with Oregon State University and University of Idaho. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early as possible while attending 威尼斯人娱乐城.


Students learn techniques to improve production, 种植, harvesting and sustainable farming techniques. Will provide the necessary skills to manage a profitable, 环保的农场, 牧场或农业企业. Graduates are qualified for employment in a variety of positions associated with agriculture, including horticultural and livestock operations, 批发零售管理, nursery operations and environmental and agricultural education.

CERT -职业道路证书

The 作物科学技术员 CPCC focuses on the chemical, 物理, and biological relationships of crops and the soils nurturing them. This certificate includes instruction in the growth and behavior of agriculture crops, 植物新品种的培育, and the scientific management of soils and nutrients for maximum plant nutrition. Students learn techniques to improve production, 种植, harvesting and sustainable farming techniques.

AS -科学副学士

The 环境科学 Degree will be housed in the Ag and 自然资源 Department. This degree will offer students that want to pursue a science-based career within the Ag and 自然资源 Industry. 这个学位也将有效地转移到多个四年制院校,允许学生在完成高等数学课程的同时完成他们的通识教育课程, 实验科学和自然资源课程.


科学学位在马业务的副学士为学生准备了各种各样的职业生涯在马业务管理,包括马业务所有者/经理, 马匹设施经理, Equine Riding Instructor and Equine Breeding operations. 该计划将理论与日常马匹管理操作和其他马匹供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合.

马业管理. 技术员
CERT -职业道路证书

完成马业务管理技术员途径证书为学生准备各种各样的马业务管理入门级职业生涯,包括马业务所有者和经理, 马匹设施经理, Equine Riding Instructor and Equine Breeding Operations. CPCC将理论与日常马匹管理操作和其他马匹供应和服务业务所需的实践技能相结合.

AS -科学副学士

这是为有兴趣在蒙大拿州立大学攻读动物科学学位的学生提供的,重点是马,包括科学副学士学位的所有要求. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系蒙大拿州立大学的顾问.

CERT -职业道路证书


马匹训练学位将提供经验和探索的机会,专注于训练和向公众出售马匹. 实际应用工作场所的安全, 马棚保养, 马的健康和福利, 缰绳培训, colt starting and performance horse training will prepare students to house, 训练并向公众出售马匹. 这个学位将使学生摆脱与美国国税局的业余赛马类别,进入兼职或全职的业务训练马匹, 卖马, 给的教训, 登机, or using horses to do day work on ranches and feedlots.

AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically addressed with 美国niversity of Idaho, and College of Idaho. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early as possible while attending 威尼斯人娱乐城.


该学位课程的成功完成为学生提供了与自然资源职业相关的广泛技能基础. The 自然资源 Associate of Applied 科学 degree program offers training in the areas of Invasive Species (Noxious Weeds); 范围 Management, 和林业, as well as an introduction to GPS/GIS and Recreation and Wildlife. Successful graduates of this program may secure entry level positions as seasonal, 临时, or permanent employees for state and federal agencies, 或者私营企业. This degree is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0门课程才能毕业并获得学位.

自然资源-环境科学 技术员

该证书允许学生建立自然资源的基础知识,然后通过三个不同的浓度定制自己的教育. 学生可以选择野外测绘/制图和自然资源保护课程,以便根据职业目标创建定制的课程. 该课程的成功毕业生可以获得州和联邦机构或私营企业的季节性或临时雇员的入门级职位.

AS -科学副学士

This program is housed within the 农业 and 自然资源 department. This is an Associate of 科学 transfer degree designed to transfer to regional plant science, 作物科学, and horticulture for-year programs while providing students with the technical skills for employment in regional crop, 种子, 以及园艺产业.

CERT -职业道路证书

This Pathways Certificate will prepare the student for entry level positions in agriculture. 成功的学生将具备牧场动物生产和管理的应用技能,包括营养和繁殖.


This program prepares students for a wide variety of careers in 农场管理, 包括一个小牧场的经理, 农场的手, 饲养场运营商, 品牌检查员, 还有人工授精器. The program combines theory with practical skills needed for daily cattle operations. 学生将学习农场经营和动物科学的基础知识,以及与牧场动物一起工作的实践经验. This degree is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0门课程才能毕业并获得学位.

范围 & 森林技术员
CERT -职业道路证书


AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. This degree has been specifically addressed with 美国niversity of Idaho, and College of Idaho. Please contact the 4-year College or University and ensure that you have an advisor at both 威尼斯人娱乐城 and your future school. 如果你打算上四年制的学校, 在电视文化中心大楼, please make sure you contact that school as early as possible while attending 威尼斯人娱乐城.

AS -科学副学士

This is an Associate of 科学 degree designed to transfer on to a 4-year College or University. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has worked closely with 美国niversity of Idaho 和俄勒冈州立大学 to align to these University requirements. 请与威尼斯人娱乐城顾问和转学大学顾问一起选择最适合您转学院校的选修课程. If you plan to transfer to another College or University, please make immediate contact with an advisor at that College or University.


This program prepares students for positions on fire crews including crew boss or member of the heli-tech team, 与土地管理局合作, 美国.S. Forest Service, or other public and private agencies that manage firefighting on public lands. - - This degree is designed for students wishing to directly enter the workforce. It is not designed for transfer to a four-year institution, although some coursework may be transferable. 威尼斯人娱乐城强烈鼓励希望转学的学生与他们的威尼斯人娱乐城顾问密切合作,制定转学计划,并确定和联系他们选择的转学机构的顾问. A minimum of 90 credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0门课程才能毕业并获得学位.


野地消防证书为学生准备入门级的季节性消防工作,为土地管理局和美国消防局提供帮助.S. Forest Service, and other public and private agencies that manage firefighting on public lands. 在夏季学期,学生可以将所需的NATR 280(合作工作经验)与他们在现场所做的工作结合起来. Students should make appropriate arrangements with their program advisor. All courses in this certificate may be transferred into the 自然资源 林野火灾 Associate of Applied 科学 Degree. 平均成绩不低于2分.获取证书需要输入0.

CERT -职业道路证书
